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vivo X100 series Zeiss Image plus full-focus lens

vivo X100 has been released for some time, and I have been using it for a long time. Today, let's talk about the image strength of vivo X100.

First of all, we still come to see the hardware parameters of this piece, vivo X100 rear module for three cameras + laser focus camera dToF. The three cameras are: 50 megapixel ultra-sensitive VCS Bionic spectrum main camera, 64 megapixel Zeiss super telephoto lens and 50 megapixel ultra-wide Angle lens. In addition, the vivo X100 also has a new self-developed V2 chip to assist in shooting. Well, without further ado, let's go straight to a set of sample photos, which are portraits, food and scenery photos.

From the three photos, it is not difficult to see that the full-focus portrait lens can provide users with a good shooting environment, simply put, it can be far and close. Of course, I do not cover the screen so - 50mm(2.2X) classic portrait focal segment, the photo taken naturally blurred, the figure is also very clear. The follow-up food photos and landscape photos are also made use of the powerful hardware of this phone, in this backlight environment, because the vivo X100 has Zeiss optical technology, so it is very good to suppress the glare under the sun backlight, ghost and other scattering effects.

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