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Reno11 series will be the first to be equipped with ColorOS 14, making the overall smooth experience more convenient

November 16, ColorOS 14 officially released today, the new Reno11 series will be the first to carry ColorOS 14, through the all-round upgrade in the field of intelligent experience, comprehensive fluency and privacy security, to create a new benchmark for user experience.
ColorOS has won the top of the list of Lu Master fluent system for three consecutive years, based on ColorOS 14 multiple soft and hard collaborative optimization technology, Reno11 series to achieve including startup, switching, sliding, loading and other key scenes of comprehensive fluency.
Based on ColorOS 14, Reno11 series brings users a new interaction mode - fluid cloud, through the integration of time-efficient services in the system and a variety of interaction forms, to achieve on-demand information flow, so that users can know the primary and secondary information at a glance. The fluid cloud function can also break service barriers, and users can long press to identify travel destinations and other information to achieve a convenient experience of one-click jump to the corresponding APP.
It is worth mentioning that ColorOS 14 ubiquitous service, expand more life, tourism, travel and other high-frequency scenes, bring one-stop life travel experience. From itinerary information, translation tools, exchange rate conversion and other aspects to provide users with intimate services, and through cooperation with the world's leading travel service provider Tripadvisor, to recommend global destination hotel list, scenic spot guide, dining list and so on.

The Reno11 series is also based on the newly upgraded intelligence capabilities of ColorOS 14, bringing new services and efficiency tools such as file transfer station and smart matting, greatly improving the efficiency of content collection and editing. More information about Reno11 series new products can be paid attention to OPPO official Weibo. The new product launch conference will be officially held at 14:00 on November 23, when you can go to the major live streaming platforms to watch.

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