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The global smartphone market fell 1% in the third quarter, and OPPO remained in the global top four

    On October 17, the latest data released by market research agency Canalys showed that the global smartphone market fell by only 1% in the third quarter of 2023, slowing the decline. Among them, OPPO(including OnePlus) holds the top four in the world with a market share of 9%.
    Since entering the mobile phone industry in 2008, OPPO has started its overseas market layout with the Southeast Asian market as the starting point, gradually and deeply cultivated. At present, OPPO's business has spread to more than 60 countries and regions, covering Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Australia, with more than 260,000 sales points worldwide. It has reached strategic partnerships with more than 80 operators. According to Canalys data, OPPO(excluding OnePlus) ranked second in Southeast Asia with a 16% market share in the second quarter of 2023, and also remained in the industry's top five markets in Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and India.
    At the same time, OPPO folding screen products have also been widely recognized in many markets around the world. According to Canalys data, in the second quarter of 2023, OPPO Find N2 Flip won the first place in the small folding market share in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia with 65%, 53%, 61% and 81% market shares respectively. In addition to Southeast Asia, OPPO folding screen has also achieved outstanding results in the European market. According to Counterpoint data, OPPO's folding screens ranked second in the European market with a 34% market share in the second quarter of 2023. With good performance in the global market, the OPPO Find N2 Flip was selected as one of the "Top 10 best-selling phones in the world" in the $600-799 premium market for the first half of 2023.
    As the world's leading technology enterprise, OPPO is firmly committed to technological innovation and continues to bring Zhimei products and services. As of September 2023, OPPO has distributed patents in more than 40 countries and regions, with more than 95,000 patent applications worldwide and more than 51,000 licenses worldwide. Among them, invention patent applications accounted for 90% of all patent applications. In the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 2022 International Patent Treaty (PCT) application list, OPPO ranked sixth globally.

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