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The fairy function! OPPO Find X7 Series "AIGC Elimination"

Some time ago, OPPO Find X7 series was officially released, and this product has many highlights, such as Tianguet 9300 chip, Snapdragon 8Gen3, and the world's first double periscope head are its strengths. But what makes me more concerned is what convenience OPPO's self-developed Andean grand model can bring to users.
After nearly ten days of deep experience with the Find X7 series, I have a feature that I feel particularly useful about and I want to share with you. That is AIGC elimination! Directly to the actual operation, go to the gallery, select a photo, enter the picture editing mode, select "AIGC elimination", then you can carry out intelligent circle selection or manual smear, you can eliminate the passers-by or debris in the picture at will.
But to actually demonstrate this, let's open an image in the gallery. As you can see, there are two models in this picture. Here if you want them to disappear, then you can directly use "AIGC elimination", and then randomly circle one of the characters, and wait a few seconds, you will magically find that there is only one model left in the photo! If you don't think eliminating people isn't enough, we can also eliminate the umbrella of the photo.
How's that? Isn't that amazing?! In fact, the reason behind the OPPO Find X7 series AIGC elimination function is that OPPO regularly invests millions of high-quality images and tens of millions of real life scenes. The AIGC erase function can help us quickly erase passers-by, debris, etc., and will also fill in the AI details and textures of the eliminated photos. Compared with the traditional P picture software, it is not only convenient and convenient, but also better. Finally, let me give you a little warm tip, OPPO Find X7 series is now available for purchase on major e-commerce platforms.

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