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OPPO 2024 Super Image Competition is officially opened, and we will work together to Find X7 Ultra to discover more possibilities for images

As the final flagship of the New Year, OPPO Find X7 series has aroused everyone's attention from the warm-up to the release of the market, especially the Find X7 Ultra in the image once again, using the ultra light sensing telephoto and the first close-up telephoto to form a unique combination of double telephoto. The new one-inch main camera defined by the first super light engine with 50 million outsole ultra-wide Angle composed of double diving four-master camera system, bringing 14mm-300mm creation focal segment group coverage; The industry's first looking back portrait experience, in the dynamic moment of the character can also activate the portrait algorithm and quickly capture the moment, with large models and AI deep computing, Find X7 Ultra professional Hasselblad portrait mode has a hair-level blur effect, further enhance the progressive blur effect, can take more spatial sense of portrait photos, So that users have enough image creation space. 
With the official announcement of OPPO 2024 Super Image Competition officially opened, OPPO has successively released the theme samples taken by photographers, including "fashion", "Life photos", "Wonderland", "strange travel", "face", "color collection", "instant", "Encounter light", "My story collection", a total of 9 image themes. Each proof sheet tells its own story. 
The meaning of a photograph is not the sparkle of a moment, but those moments that can be recalled again.
For example, Yin Chao, Ambassador of Hasselblad China, recorded the story of the Miao girls under the lens of OPPO Find X7 Ultra. Through the Hasselblad lens, the exquisite tone and full colors complement each other, conveying the native style of Miao women and Miao culture, and the innocence and emotion revealed at the moment of looking back. The powerful detail expression and the natural blurring effect achieve a delicate portrayal, as if it is brought to life in the feeling, completing the sublimation from stillness to motion. 
Hasselblad master Tina Signesdottir Hult uses OPPO Find X7 Ultra to create a quiet but fascinating collection of Norwegian stories, with 3X ultra light hidden telephoto to create a strong sense of picture space and maximize the three-dimensional sense of the face. With the newly upgraded professional Hasselblad portrait, the facial depiction of the characters is delicate enough, and the natural blurring effect adds a sense of story to the picture, weaving the cold of winter and the warmth of the heart into the exquisite composition. 
In Canyonlands National Park, Utah, layers of fog spread in the canyon, Chinese photographer Wang Jianjun used the Hasselblad master mode under the powerful image strength of OPPO Find X7 Ultra. Even in the narrow space of Antelope Valley, the hard red sandstone can flow as soft as water, and the fine texture is prominent. With the help of a 14mm ultra-wide Angle to capture it with the afterglow, the Colorado River's Horseshoe Bay is tranquil and mysterious. 
The OPPO Find X7 series continues to deepen the tone, bringing mobile phones and cameras to a new watershed for the first time. Through this mobile phone, the photographer can not only use the mobile phone to professional photography and artistic creation, but also feel the aesthetics and ideas left by countless masters in the past hundred years with light and shadow. 
At present, the OPPO 2024 Super Image Competition has been officially launched, and the competition has specially invited a number of professional judges from different fields around the world, including the famous Chinese fashion photographer and Hasselblad China Ambassador Yin Chao, the famous Chinese photography artist and Hasselblad master Wang Jianjun, Norwegian photographer and Hasblad Master Tina Signesdottir Hult, contemporary photographer and Magnum member Alec Soth, contemporary photographer and National Geographic photographer Michael Yamashita, Steve McCurry, master of contemporary photography and member of Magnum Photo Agency, Liu Zuohu, senior vice president and chief product officer of OPPO, seven experts from different fields, through different professional perspectives to discuss and judge, and finally will be selected for everyone worthy of exclamation, moved imagination works.

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